Monday, October 10, 2011

Upcycled Jars

I was a busy momma this weekend!  K went and spent the weekend with my parents.  I did a TON of baking, see my blog on that HERE, and I made an adorable container for Bubba's wipe solution.   

It was really easy to make.  The pictures of the process didn't turn out so great (I'm not the best photographer in the world, but I'm working on it), so I'll just tell you what I did.  :)

Materials needed:
Glass or plastic jar with a lid (I used a peanut butter jar)
12"x12" scrap book paper
Alphabet stickers (optional)
Glue stick
Triple Thick
Paper cutter (optional)
Medium, flat paint brush

Cut the scrapbook paper the width you need it to cover most of your jar.  Make sure that you note any curvature in the jar because it's hard to glue paper to the curves.  My jar was too wide so I needed to glue two strips of paper together so it was long enough to cover the entire jar.  If you need 2 strips, cut both strips and then glue them together using your glue stick.  Next put glue on 3" of the jar (or the paper).  Make sure the paper is straight.  This was the hardest part for me.  Then glue a bit more at a time until the entire jar is covered.   I had my papers overlapping by about an inch and a half, but you could do more or less.  Next put the stickers on.  Finally cover the entire paper with triple thick.  Mine needed 2 coats of triple thick on most of it and 3 coats on the top and bottom of the paper.

I am hoping to eventually get to a craft store and buy some 1 inch ribbon (I didn't have any that matched my paper) to put around the lid of the jar so it looks prettier (it's red and doesn't really match).  I'm also going to try to cut out a piece of scrapbook paper in a circle, print the wipe solution recipe on it and glue that to the top of the lid.  When/if I ever get that done I'll post more pictures. 

I'll post my wipe recipe soon.  I have to go finish school for K.  :)
Happy Crunching!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Braggin on My Guy

I just watched a video HERE about a daddy who tried to pass off changing a dirty diaper, and honestly, who hasn't tried THAT one before?  The blog post however, got me thinking about how amazing my guy is!  Mike not only changes the cloth diapers, he does MOST of the cloth diaper laundry!!  I know, I'm blessed beyond belief (and no he doesn't have any brothers).  

I have found that a great deal of women when they get together (at least a lot of the women that I know) tend to complain about their husbands (or significant others).  I think it's time to change that.  Why don't we spend time bragging about our guys?  Sure he sometimes forgets to put the toilet seat down, but he also lays on the floor and lets Bubba attack his face, sings goodnight songs to K, puts off doing things he really wants to do so he can spend time with his wife and the kidlets, works 8 hours a day at a job that he doesn't LOVE so that I can stay home with our kids, sacrifices vacations, new clothes, video games, and dates so that we can give our kids a good life.  My husband is amazing and I don't say it often enough. 

What amazing things does your guy do? 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Hello Everyone who is reading this! I've been thinking about doing a homeschool/vegan/cloth diapering/crunchy momma blog for a few weeks and I've decided to just do it already! So here's a little bit about me. I'm a stay at home mommy of 2 amazing kids. K, my 5 year old, just started kindergarten and Bubba Z, my 8 1/2 month old just started crawling. My life is busy and messy and wonderful! My husband, Mike, and I didn't plan on homeschooling. After major budget cuts at our school district, we decided it was what was best for our daughter. I was terrified when I started, but now, 4 1/2 weeks into school, I'm so thankful that we made the decision!! I can't imagine sending K to school! We have so much fun and we'r
e both learning so much! We are also a cloth diapering family! Bubba Z has been in cloth his whole life (except in the hospital because I'm lazy and didn't pack a bag for the hospital). I LOVE cloth diapering (CDing) and I'm sure if you follow this blog you'll hear a bit about the benefits and joys of CDing. Also, I'm a vegan, but K and Mike are not. We're planning on Bubba being vegan(ish). Meals are interesting in our house an
d I love sharing vegan recipes and the occasional vegan rant, but I promise I'll try to limit my rants...or maybe I'll just put them on my Vegan blog.

My goal is to update this blog at least weekly. There should be stuff about our homeschooling adventures as well as some green tips and tricks. I might even throw in some vegan recipes and perhaps some info on cloth diapers.

I hope you join me on this crazy adventure I call life! :)